It was at San Giovanni Rotondo in the Valle dell'Inferno (Manfredonia), while Camillus was preparing to transport material provisions to the Capuchin convent in Manfredonia, Father Angelo accosted him with paternal and admonishing words that touched and made him reflect all night long. The next day (February 2, 1575), the feast of the Presentation of our Lord, as he descended towards Manfredonia along the valley of hell, his conscience was deeply troubled as if he was struck by lightning which threw him to the ground from his donkey. He beats his chest with a stone, asking God's forgiveness for his past life and resolving to do true penance.
Until that moment, he had let himself be guided by the impulses of his character and had always decided with his instinct and wants; the thought began to dawn on him that he needed God to make constructive decisions. Then, he exclaimed, "no more of the world, no more of the world," which means I don't want anymore to be guided by my instinct in search of true happiness. From now on, I will let the Holy Spirit completely inspires and reorients my life to its true purpose, its original design. It was a moment of recovery of the values which he had never nurtured and lived before.
As we joyously celebrate the 450th anniversary of the Conversion of our founder and initiator of the “new school of charity”, St. Camillus de Lellis, we are reminded of the transformative power of a change of heart and the profound impact it can have on our lives and the world around us.
St. Camillus' conversion from a disoriented life to one of compassion and selfless service serves as an inspiring example for all who believe in the transforming power of the mercy of God. This jubilee, let us delve deeper into the significance of his conversion and draw lessons that will guide common mission of caring for our “common home” in the spirit of ecological conversion.
Pope Francis calls our attention to the truth of climate crisis. “[…] it is indubitable that the impact of climate change will increasingly prejudice the lives and families of many persons. We will feel its effects in the areas of healthcare, sources of employment, access to resources, housing, forced migrations, etc.” (Laudate Deum, 2). All of these bring serious and at times irreversible impact to the integral health of the planet and its inhabitants.
In the spirit of St. Camillus, who turned away from his former way of life to embrace a life of love and care for those in need and suffering because of our conscious denial to the truth of interconnectedness of creation, let us consider how we too can turn away from practices that harm our environment and embrace a more sustainable and ecologically responsible way of living.
Ecological conversion calls us to recognize the interconnectedness of all creation, God’s immense gift to humanity, and to adopt lifestyles that promote environmental stewardship and justice. St. Camillus, through his commitment to the sick and suffering, exemplifies the essence of caring for not just individuals but for the well-being of the entire community and the world.
As we engage this journey towards transformation of one’s heart received and lived by St. Camillus de Lellis, let us reflect on ways we can contribute to the healing of our wounded planet. Whether through eco-resilience community building projects, sustainable practices in our healthcare missions, responsible use of resources, or advocacy for environmental justice, each one of us has a role to play in fostering integral health and planetary well-being.
May this Jubilee be a catalyst for our personal and collective ecological and integral health conversion, inspiring us to live in harmony with creation and work towards a more sustainable, compassionate, and healthy world.
Wishing you all a blessed journey inspired by the Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis!