+ 39 06 89 92 81
For more information: info@cadisinternational.org
Piazza della Maddalena, 53
00186 Roma, Italy
+39 06 89 9281
Piazza della Maddalena, 53
00186 Roma, Italy
+39 06 89 9281
The CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service) International Foundation is a legally registered, non-profit humanitarian and development organization of the Order of the Minister of the Infirms (Camillians).
C.F. 97871950586
Get to know the CADIS International Foundation
www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser
www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser
CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service) International Foundation is a non-profit, legally registered humanitarian and development organisation of the Order of the Minister of the Infirms (Camillians).
CADIS provides humanitarian, psycho-social, pastoral and development needs to populations affected by natural and other disasters.
CADIS has intervention programmes in disaster-prone countries such as India, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Burkina Faso, Benin, Uganda, Tanzania, Peru, Chile, Brazil as well as in Italy and Poland.
It cooperates with the local church, when present, and with other humanitarian organisations around the world. In most of these countries, CADIS has strategic local offices and also works with local partner structures to ensure a timely, coordinated and organised response to emergencies.
It is made up of lay people, religious and organisations who share its mission and respect the principles and teachings of Catholicism and the Camillian spirituality of serving the sick and suffering even to the point of risking their own lives.
Inspired by the heroic efforts of St. Camillus de Lellis, the Camillians dedicated themselves from the 16th to the 17th century to caring for the sick and suffering, even at the risk of their own lives.
The Camillians are distinguished precisely by their service to the sick during plagues and epidemics. Their fourth vow, "to serve the sick even at the risk of one's own life", urges them to intervene in situations of natural and human disaster. In 1994 the "Day of the Camillian Religious Martyrs of Charity" was established, which is celebrated every year on 25th May, in honour of the 300 Camillian martyrs who died bearing witness to their fourth vow, to serve the sick even at the risk of their own lives.
CADIS operates in 37 countries, intervening in natural and other disasters to provide immediate relief and support to affected communities.
Its mission is based on St. Camillus' 'new school of charity', which focuses on the integral care of the person, both in body and spirit. Inspired by the prophetic spirit of St. Camillus, CADIS members - lay people, religious and partner organisations - are committed to serving the most vulnerable families with passion and expertise. Their work focuses on rebuilding resilient communities capable of facing future challenges. The story of CADIS is an example of how faith and compassion can translate into concrete actions of help and solidarity.
Get to know our organization
Board of Directors
Vision, Mission and Values
VISION - CADIS envisions a full life in an eCon-resilient (ecologically converted and resilient) community.
MISSION- Founded on the love and mercy of Jesus, with St. Camillus in our hearts, we promote and inspire community development based on integrated health programmes for the wellbeing of men and women affected by disasters, through compassionate, competent and coordinated interventions.
COMPASSION - The way care is provided, based on empathy, respect and dignity. Our compassion, as intelligent kindness, is fundamental to the way people perceive our care. Caring is our highest calling, which is to comfort those in need and nurture the capacity of the most vulnerable, regardless of class, gender, age, culture or religion. Great care is at the heart of everything we do.
COMMITMENT - A firm conviction and constant desire to do good for others, especially the most vulnerable, expressed in concrete actions. We are committed to working in collaboration and partnership with all stakeholders, actively listening to facilitate, negotiate and build consensus and strong teams to empower others. We are committed to bringing together people, organisations and institutions that can pool knowledge, skills and resources, to work together to have a more effective impact. Good communication is critical to the success of collaborative partnerships, working relationships and teamwork.
COMPETENCE - A commitment to employ and be held accountable for high standards of practice. We continuously challenge ourselves to improve efficiency and effectiveness through strategic planning, evaluation and analysis. We employ knowledge and skills, methods and appropriate technologies to transform our partner communities and ourselves. Constant innovation towards excellence in care and service defines our processes. In other words, we aim to be armed with a competent heart.
HUMAN RIGHTS - Respect for human dignity is at the core of what we are and do. Every person has inviolable rights based on justice. Therefore, everyone has the right to life, quality service and total well-being, free from lack, fear and dangerous impacts.
Rural Missionaries of the Philippines
Farmer 's development Center ( FARDEC )
Health and Development for all Foundation
Buddhist Tzu Chi Charity Foundation
Missione Calcutta
Pro.Sa Foundation
Visayas Primary Healthcare Services
Italian Episcopal Conference
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