Since last October 2022, weather forecasts in Peru have been warning of heavy rains in the north and central portion of the country. However, due to the country's constant political crisis, there has not been proper awareness or timely preparation of the population for these natural disasters. These kinds of phenomena (torrential rains, landslides, and others) are not new to Peru, but neither the political authorities nor the population were sufficiently prepared to counter the effects of Cyclone YAKU. El paìs (18.03.2023) reports, "This phenomenon, and the rainy season in general, has so far resulted in 61 deaths, 12,200 people affected, and 1,326 homes destroyed. Economic losses have been estimated at $4,000 million by former Economy Minister Alonso Segura. The Camillians are preparing to mobilize support to the flood-affected populace in the two poor suburbs of Lima - Jicamarca (San Juan de Lurigancho), and Chaclacayo highlands, which are affected by landslides destroying homes and schools, and the northwestern cities of Trujillo and Tumbes. The overall objective of the emergency intervention is to support 400 flood affected families by distributing non-perishable foods for one month. As of March 20, coordination with religious congregations began and on March 27, the first distribution of relief goods. The organization of the neighborhood and tapping their available resources will be promoted to sustain the relief efforts. The activities will be implemented in collaboration with the religious communities of the Daughters of Charity, the Religious of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who are working in Chaclacayo and Jicamarca, the Brothers of the Saint Josèph of Trujillo and the community of the Religiosas Reparadoras del Sagrado Corazon of Tumbes. The planned activities are the following: a) purchase of non-perishable food items: rice, sugar, milk, oil, noodles (soup and pasta), tuna, oatmeal, and beans; b) strategic coordination with our partners in the affected areas to make effective delivery and the c) support and supervision of food delivery to the beneficiaries. By May, at the termination of the emergency response, we help 400 families in the most critical moments, carry out coordinated and effective response with religious congregations in the affected communities, and renew hope of the affected population.

With the help of CADIS International, a total of 428 families have been helped (150 families in Jicamarca, 98 families in Alto Trujillo, 100 families in the Conibo Shipibo Community, 90 families in the AA. HH El Rodeo and Cruz Blanca) making a total of 1,753 individuals benefited. The Camillians in Peru collaborated with some religious communities who have responded generously and willingly to the requests for help for the victims such as the Sagrados Corazones (Jicamarca), Hijas de la Caridad (Chaclacayo), Reparadoras del Sagrada Corazòn (Tumbes) and the religious order (Trujillo). They encouraged and mobilized the people and institutions, who collaborated in the preparation of the food baskets and transport of food to the areas.
Is a mountainous farming community in the district of San Antonio de Chaclla, in the province of Huarochirì, in the department of Lima, with an altitude of 3500 metres above sea level. Pedro Vidarte, a priest from the Sacred Heart Congregation and parish priest of the Nuestra Senora de la Paz, coordinated the delivery of food and other supplies to the people affected. The delivery of the donation to the parish was done on April 5, by Mr. Alberto Mendez, together with some workers of Hogar San Camilo. The total number of people benefited was approximately 500 or 150 families.
Trujillo is one of the twelve cities in the department of La Libertad on the northern coast of Peru. "Trujillo is one of the provinces most affected by Cyclone Yaku. The city was covered with mud due to landslides and totally flooded. Houses were completely destroyed and several streets were impassable due to mud and water". Father Clever Huamán, a Camillian religious and chaplain of the Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta, the AA.HH Alto Trujillo was in charge of delivering the common pot in "Semillas del saber" The activity has benefited 98 families, or 365 individuals. The activity was done on 20 April.
The district of Chaclacayo is one of the forty-three districts of Lima. The Camillians collaborated with the Daughters of Charity (Vincentians) to help to bring aid to this area. Together with the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, they had been supporting those affected by the landslides. They focussed on the upper part of Chaclacayo, where the aid had been minimal and an area populated by migrants from the Conibo-Shipibo community. The food baskets were delivered on April 22. The total number of beneficiaries was 100 families, approximately 420 individuals assisted.
Tumbes is one of the twenty-four departments that, together with the Constitutional Province of Callao, form the Republic of Peru. It is located in the extreme northwest of the country. The cyclone Yaku wreaked havoc in several cities with heavy rains and overflowing rivers. The intense rains recorded in Tumbes region have left a total of 749 homes and 2,092 people affected. The Sisters of the Sacred Heart have a community in the city of Tumbes. They organised the food distribution. With the help of volunteers, the bags of food were distributed in two days. The total number of beneficiaries was 90 families or 468 people. The Camillians of Peru have been grateful for the support of CADIS to the efforts in delivering relief to the affected families from the different parts of the country.