
+ 39 06 89 92 81

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For more information: info@cadisinternational.org

Piazza della Maddalena, 53

00186 Roma, Italy

+39 06 89 9281


Piazza della Maddalena, 53

00186 Roma, Italy

+39 06 89 9281


The CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service) International Foundation is a legally registered, non-profit humanitarian and development organization of the Order of the Minister of the Infirms (Camillians). 
C.F. 97871950586

                                                       CADIS Projects


www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser

www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser


From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis
News, Polonia, Ukraine, Poland, testimonianze, testimony,

From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis


2025-02-19 15:41

Series of testimonies from Poland, episode 3

Next stop: Philippines for “CADIS resilience in action: building a collaborative future”
Events, fundraising, workshop, formazione, filippine, Philippines, Cebu,

Next stop: Philippines for “CADIS resilience in action: building a collaborative future”


2025-02-17 10:38

Training for 25 CADIS leaders from the Asia-Pacific region in the Philippines

From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis
News, Ukraine, war, Polonia, Poland, testimonianze,

From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis


2025-02-11 08:59

Series of testimonies from Poland

News, emergency, Kenya, floods, flood, Tzu Chi Foundation, CADIS Kenya, progetto ,

Stories from Kenya: testimonies from the flood-affected population


2025-02-06 15:03

Testimony of flood survivors in Kenya assisted by CADIS

From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis
News, Ukraine, war, Polonia, Ukraine, Poland, war, testimonianze, rifugiati, refugees,

From Poland, the testimony of those who assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing war on a daily basis


2025-01-31 12:23

Series of testimonies from Poland

Conquered by the love of Christ: A Call to Ecological Conversion
News, St Camillus de Lellis, giubileo, conversione di Camillo de Lellis,

Conquered by the love of Christ: A Call to Ecological Conversion


2025-01-30 14:29

CADIS International's message for the opening of the Camillian Jubilee

From the improvement of healthcare services to new farm initiatives: yearend report from Tarlac project, Philippines
News, filippine, Philippines, resilience, Aeta community, project,

From the improvement of healthcare services to new farm initiatives: yearend report from Tarlac project, Phili


2025-01-15 10:30

Goals achieved, challenges and improvements: 2024 annual report from the project in Tarlac, Philippines, with the Aeta indigenous community

How much is your contribution to the CADIS Emergency Fund worth?
News, Campaigns, donate now, fundraising, raccolta fondi, emergency fund, fondo d'emergenza, support,

How much is your contribution to the CADIS Emergency Fund worth?


2024-12-23 15:24

Some concrete examples of what your contribution can do: any support, of any kind, is crucial for us.

A glimmer of light into the New Year
News, resilienza, resilience, Natale, Christmas,

A glimmer of light into the New Year


2024-12-11 09:21

As we step into 2025, let us carry this light together. Let it remind us that no challenge is insurmountable when we walk as one family.

CADIS Benin embraces the call to Care for Creation with the indigenous community
News, laudato si', common home, care for creation, Benin, agroecologia,

CADIS Benin embraces the call to Care for Creation with the indigenous community


2024-11-19 12:36

Commitment in Benin for the care of creation according to the inspiration Laudato Si'

Building Resilient Urban Poor Communities in the Philippines
News, filippine, resilienza, Philippines, resilience, progetto, empowerment,

Building Resilient Urban Poor Communities in the Philippines


2024-11-19 12:07

CADIS International's commitment to Cebu City, Philippines metropolitan area

9th CADIS Leadership Conference closes with renewed commitment and inspiration
News, fundraising, CADIS leadership, Bangkok, CADIS conference,

9th CADIS Leadership Conference closes with renewed commitment and inspiration


2024-11-14 09:40

The fifth day focused on mobilising resources for humanitarian and development interventions

Day 4 exploring the spiritual-pastoral approach of disaster management
News, laudato si', CADIS leadership, CADIS conference, approccio pastorale, pastoral approach,

Day 4 exploring the spiritual-pastoral approach of disaster management


2024-11-08 03:16

The day was dedicated to the Psychosocial and Spiritual-Pastoral Approach to Disaster Management

Mental Health Intervention: the insights of the third day of the CADIS conference
News, formazione, CADIS leadership, CADIS conference, mental health, salute mentale,

Mental Health Intervention: the insights of the third day of the CADIS conference


2024-11-07 04:21

The focus was on understanding the importance of mental health in ordinary contexts, but especially in situations of acute vulnerability.

Day 2, deep training on building resilience in health emergencies
News, emergency, conference, CADIS conference, disaster management,

Day 2, deep training on building resilience in health emergencies


2024-11-06 03:28

Day 2 of the Conference on Building Resilience in Health Emergencies

9° CADIS Leadership Conference in Bangkok begins amid high attendance and enthusiasm
News, CADIS, emergency, CADIS conference, leadership, resilienza, annual meeting,

9° CADIS Leadership Conference in Bangkok begins amid high attendance and enthusiasm


2024-11-05 03:58

Opening and first day of the CADIS Leadership Conference in Bangkok

What is happening in Kenya? Latest updates from the emergency project
News, emergency, Kenya, emergency, floods, Tzu Chi Foundation, CADIS Kenya,

What is happening in Kenya? Latest updates from the emergency project


2024-10-28 12:03

Results and learnings from the emergency project in Kenya for the flood-affected population

The Interplay of Faith and Reason in Environmental Stewardship: Insights from Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum
News, laudato si', climate emergency, climate change, riflessione, laudate deum, papa Francesco, pope Francis,

The Interplay of Faith and Reason in Environmental Stewardship: Insights from Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum


2024-10-14 13:17

Faith, science and the environment: a reflection between Laudato Si' and Laudate Deum

CADIS Team Vietnam responded to Typhoon Yagi survivors’ appeal
News, emergency, Vietnam, typhoon, tifone,

CADIS Team Vietnam responded to Typhoon Yagi survivors’ appeal


2024-10-09 13:58

CADIS Vietnam responded to the emergency of Typhoon Yagi in the northern region

World Day of the Victims of Disasters 2024
Events, News, emergency, laudato si', emergency, world day of the victims of disasters, giornata mondiale delle vittime di disastri, climate change, cambiamento climatico,

World Day of the Victims of Disasters 2024


2024-10-01 13:08

CADIS' call to commemorate the World Day for Disaster Victims on 13 October 2024


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