
+ 39 06 89 92 81

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For more information: info@cadisinternational.org

Piazza della Maddalena, 53

00186 Roma, Italy

+39 06 89 9281


Piazza della Maddalena, 53

00186 Roma, Italy

+39 06 89 9281


The CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service) International Foundation is a legally registered, non-profit humanitarian and development organization of the Order of the Minister of the Infirms (Camillians).



www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser

www.cadisinternational.org @ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Wishraiser

May 25, 2024

Martyrs of Charity

The 25th symbolises the feast of the Martyrs of Charity, instituted by the Order to commemorate the 300 Camillian martyrs who died bearing witness to the fourth vow, to serve the sick even at the risk of their own lives. The same day is the anniversary of the birth of St. Camillus de Lellis.


Your participation in this campaign is much more important than the amount you can contribute because we truly believe that together we can make a difference in the lives of people affected by disasters. Join us and help us mobilise others.


It is an invitation to provide humanitarian assistance and to support aid workers in providing aid to climate refugees, such as shelter, food, health care and mental health services. CADIS promotes an annual contribution to its emergency fund to mobilise a rapid response to climate disaster survivors.


1) Every Camillian religious (Prof. Sol) is encouraged to participate in this campaign by contributing at least $25.00 USD per year to the CADIS emergency fund.

2) The $25 can be raised from your allowance, a donation from friends, benefactors, relatives, etc., extra dollars after your trips abroad, coins you might have kept in a bottle, etc.

a.    If your ministry is in a hospital, you can organise a special collection during your masses or organise a fundraising activity with the staff.
b.    If your ministry is in a hospital or nursing home administration, then you can organise a fundraising activity with your staff, patients and residents.
c.    If your ministry is in education, then you can mobilise your seminarians to organise a fundraising activity.
d.    If your ministry is in school/university, then you can mobilise activities on campus, involve students and inform them of the many ways to participate in this initiative.

3) The entire COLLECTION will be submitted to the provincial or delegation office. If the respective province or delegation has an existing CADIS or CTF organisation, then the collection will be distributed in this way: 50% (CADIS international) and 50% (CADIS / CTF national).

4) The entire collection will be submitted to the office by 14 July, St. Camillus' feast day. Then the bursar will forward it to CADIS International.


The $25 can help fund travel and logistical support for CADIS staff to organise a rapid emergency response when a disaster strikes.

The $25 can help buy basic necessities (food, water and medicine) for people affected by the disaster at least during the first month of the disaster.

The $25 can support the travel expenses of the medical team to be sent during an emergency.

The $25 can provide access to a communication line for those affected by disasters.

In 2023, CADIS was able to implement four (4) emergency response projects in Asia, America and Europe and completed seven (7) resilience building projects in Africa, Asia and America, benefiting over 50,000 people (17,000 families). 


Emergency response interventions provided relief to survivors of natural and non-natural disasters in Peru, Pakistan, Turkey and India, preparing to recover their losses, particularly of property, assets and livelihoods.

There is a disproportionate burden of the impact of natural disasters in low-income countries compared to high-income countries, leading to a serious situation of injustice. (See Reliefweb). The high index of suffering is borne by the poorest of the poor. Here, the fourth Camillian vow is challenged and recalled.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


food distribution qahera jan23 (38).jpeg

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Join us as a volunteer and help us in building communities that are ecologically resilient to natural and other disasters. Join CADIS International to concretely help those in need.




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