On the third day, the CADIS Conference participants explored issues related to Community-Based Disaster Mental Health Intervention, thanks to the facilitation of Lisa Anna Gayoles, a psychologist specializing in social behaviour, counseling and psychological assessment.
The focus was on understanding the importance of mental health in ordinary contexts, but especially in situations of acute vulnerability. Mental health is as important as physical health.
The session was enlivened by a number of surveys administered to participants regarding their level of resilience and mental health. These are tools used in field studies to assess the psychosocial needs of people affected by disasters or traumatic events.
The afternoon session continued with an in-depth discussion on the recognition of certain mental disorders, such as anxiety, panic attacks and suicide symptoms, continuing with an analysis of the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
In all cases, it is important to be able to recognise the symptoms and act in time to avoid irreparable consequences. Why it is possible to intervene in mental health disorders.
One of the keys to overcoming mental disorders is resilience: the more resilient one is, the faster one will recover.
The intense day continued with brainstorming regarding the upcoming ten-year CADIS Anniversary. 2025 will be the tenth year of the institution of CADIS International, and the participants shared ideas, programs, and training to be implemented together.

Finally, Gabriel Anderson, MI, and Junior Moreira, MI, from CADIS Brazil opened the session dedicated to the sharing of the Laudato Si’ best practices in our institutional ministry.
The Camillian Province of Brazil, aware of its vocation to evangelization and humanization in the world of health, is called to promote the integral health of human beings. From September 2023 to September 2024, they joined Pope Francis in experiencing a privileged time of conversion, awareness, lifestyle changes, and care for Planet Earth, called the Camillian Laudato Si’ Year.
Each month, Brazilian religious, seminarians, employees and lay people were called to reflect on topics related to caring for our common home. During the Laudato Si’ Year, several initiatives and achievements of ecological awareness and actions to care for our planet took place in the Camillian communities and hospitals.
There are many future plans, such as correct waste disposal, reduction of plastic materials in houses and hospitals, meetings and events, expansion of the implementation of renewable energy, and sustainable purchases with companies committed to environmental causes. Of course, the project will continue, with particular attention to the Laudato Si Week in May, and a time for prayer and care for Creation will be observed from September 1st to October 4th.