Wajir County is one of the arid and semi-arid (ASALS) regions of Kenya. The ASALS regions are the poorest regions with weak infrastructure, widespread insecurity, frequent drought and limited livelihood options. These regions are underdeveloped with at least 80% of the population residing in rural areas with limited access to basic services such as sufficient food, basic health care, safe drinking water, education and other facilities. Combination of harsh dry conditions and arid drought has been a contributing factor to food crisis in the region sometimes.

Recently, Wajir county has experienced once again drought that has affected the vulnerable population resulting in food insecurity and malnutrition. For the last 2 years Wajir county has not received rainfall and this has led to increased dry season resulting to serious impacts to people’s livelihood, agriculture and livestock as well as health. Combining all these with the current impacts of COVID-19 in the country, life becomes miserable especially in this region.

Based on the contextual analysis and the need assessment conducted by CADIS Kenya, the following interventions were proposed as a response to the already ongoing drought crisis.

The assessment was conducted in two sub-counties of Wajir namely Wajir East and Wajir West, for a total of 8 villages: Alimaow, Bura Hagar, Qahira, Arba Qeyramso, Elnul, Tulatula, Eldas and Arbakheramso. The method used for the assessment included three focus group discussions, 30 household questionnaires administered, 3 in-depth interviews, 3 meetings with local leaders and the secondary data collection.
Gaps were identified in four different areas: food, livelihood, water and sanitation and health.

Short and middle term interventions
Emergency food distribution to selected households with children aged below 5 years old and the aged above 60 years old in Wajir East and West
1.To reduce the incidence of malnutrition rate by 50% through distribution of food to households with children below 5 years and above 60 years for 3 months;
2.To improve the livelihood of the beneficiaries by 50% through distribution of livestock food to 4000 families;
3. Provision of clean water for drinking and for livestock;
4. Delivery of basic health care services- initiating mobile clinic in wajir east and Wajir West Sub-Counties.

Long term intervention
The long intervention (2022-2025) aims at enhance poverty reduction and build community resilience through Improving food security and responding to climate change in Wajir County with the following objectives:

1. To equip local farmers with knowledge and skills on climate smart agricultural technology;
2. To improve the livelihood of the people through enhanced accessibility to water supply for irrigation and for human and livestock consumption;
3. To support the participation of local farmers in undertaking farming activities through the provision of farm inputs and on farm agricultural extension services.