On March 7, 2024, CADIS Director Fr. Aris Miranda, MI, conducted the evaluation visit to the area of Bohol where the project “Improving Capacities of Bohol Farmers to Respond to Disasters and Climate Change” has been implemented.
Funded by CEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana), the project ended with successful results for the population.
The expected output was the improved capacities of 300 Bohol farmer households to respond to disasters and effects of climate change.
The project was approved for funding by CEI on February 13, 2018. The implementation of the three-year project started in 2018 by the Central Visayas Farmers Development Center (FARDEC) as partner. However, the activities were suspended in 2020 as the entire country was placed under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic and only resumed in early 2021.
After the last monitoring done in May 2023 (report here), the purpose of the recent visit was to verify if the programs implemented achieved the expected results; to verify if the programs implemented have contributed to the resilience of the 300 farmer households challenged by the effect of climate change, and to listen to the direct beneficiaries of the project.
The area visit was conducted on March 7, 2022 together with the two project field officers to the three POs in Trinidad (CUFA), San Miguel (SIMABAFA) and Ubay (UFSF). The visit was followed by a meeting with the project coordinator in Cebu City.

- SIMABAFA (Sitio Mahayahay Bayongan Farmers Association)
- The SIMABAFA People’s Organization (PO) is officially registered at the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). This will give them access to certain programs funded by the government.
- The PO has 27 active members out of 40+ members registered.
- The PO is still processing its accreditation at the local government units - LGU - (municipal and barangay). The accreditation will give them a chance to participate in any LGU discussions and deliberations for the development of people in general.
- DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction Management) committee has been formed. The committee was proven effective when a super typhoon Rai (Odette) hit the area in December 2021. While it devastated most of their personal and communal assets, lives had been spared because of their preparedness.
- The income of the PO members has increased from 2% to 25% of their rice harvests.
- The formation of community health workers has been effective and functional. The CHWs served as reference points for their primary health needs.
- Water access was restored after it was devastated by typhoon Rai in 2021.
- Thus, the project has achieved outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- The PO has requested a complete set of post-harvest facilities and machinery. If provided, farmers' incomes will be stabilized.
2. UFSF (United Farmers of San Francisco)
- UFSF is a DOLE registered peoples organization. At present, it has 33 active members. The barangay and municipal accreditation is work in progress.
- The water system installed has been serving not only to the members but also other neighbors. The water is used only for personal consumption such as drinking. For other needs, they are using the water in the natural streams and brooks.
- The organization has engaged in organic farming. They are now producing a good amount of organic fertilizers They are targeting to produce more and sell it to the other farmers.
- They are also planting some herbal/medicinal plants for community use.
- Thus the project has achieved outcomes 1,2,3 and 4.
3. CUFA (Catoogan-Tubog Farmers Association)
- CUFA is composed of two POs from the barangays of Catoogan and Tubog. It has 95 active members. Both formed an alliance in view of the painstaking struggle to land ownership. Their alliance has proven strong and they continue to cultivate their own land spared of uncertainties.
- CUFA is a DOLE-registered PO, and its accreditation at the barangay and municipal levels is in progress.
- The installed water system has been serving the personal and communal needs of the communities (members and non-members). It is maintained by the PO themselves. However, in February 2024, due to El Nino, the water source diminished. They are hoping to recover during the rainy season in July onwards.
- The two communities are engaged in sustainable agriculture as their primary source of income.
- The PO has requested a post-harvest facility and machinery to strengthen its organization and increase membership, especially since it is achieving its goal of food security and decent living.
- Thus the project has achieved outcomes 1,2,3 and 4.

The other three POs in Pilar (KLM) and Ubay (CAFA, NAMATU) were not visited because of some security issues. However, as per the report, all the outcomes were achieved in these POs.
The observations have been reported and confronted with the project coordinating team for discussion and planning for future projects in Cebu City.